Mobile physiotherapy following your joint replacement surgery

At Own Body, we understand the challenges and concerns you may face after undergoing  joint replacement surgery.  Mobile physiotherapy offers many benefits that promote faster recovery and a smoother rehabilitation journey.  Let’s explore these advantages and see why mobile physiotherapy should be your top choice for reclaiming your mobility and independence following a joint replacement.

1. Personalised Attention

Your physiotherapist will begin by conducting a comprehensive assessment, taking into account not only your surgery and surgeon’s instructions/precautions but also your overall health, lifestyle, and specific mobility challenges.  This in-depth understanding allows them to design a tailored treatment plan that addresses your unique needs and goals.

Your physiotherapist will closely monitor your progress and make adjustments as necessary.  They will continuously assess your range of motion, strength, and balance and ensure that your exercise program is tailored to your long-term goals.  You can discuss any concerns or questions you may have, and your therapist can provide immediate feedback and guidance.  Your physiotherapist will ensure that you are performing your exercises correctly, minimising the risk of potential setbacks and optimising your progress.

2. Familiar Environment, Reduced Stress

Following joint replacement surgery, your body needs a calm and supportive environment to heal effectively.  Unlike clinic settings, your home is a place where you feel most comfortable and at ease, which can have a significant impact on your emotional well-being during recovery.

Travelling to unfamiliar places and waiting in busy waiting rooms can be physically taxing and emotionally draining.  Many patients are also unable to drive for several weeks following joint replacement surgery.  By opting for at-home sessions, you eliminate the need to navigate through crowded spaces, endure traffic, or deal with potential disruptions that can arise during travel.

Being in a familiar environment also allows you to incorporate everyday objects and furniture into your therapy, turning them into useful tools for exercises and functional movements. Your physiotherapist will creatively adapt your home surroundings to create a customised therapy experience that mimics real-life scenarios. This approach prepares you for the challenges you may encounter outside, giving you the confidence to venture out into the world and resume your regular activities.

Mobile physiotherapy also eliminates the need for travel time, which can be especially significant for those who live in remote areas or have mobility challenges that make commuting difficult.  This saved time can be reinvested into your exercises, allowing you to focus on your recovery journey.


3. Enhanced Safety Measures

Safety is paramount during post-operative recovery.  Mobile physiotherapy offers the unique advantage of personalised safety assessments, where your therapist will evaluate your living space to identify potential hazards and implement necessary adjustments.

From simple modifications like removing loose rugs and clutter to assessing the need for additional handrails and grab bars (onward referral to an Occupational Therapist required), your therapist will create a safer environment to conduct your therapy sessions. Additionally, they will instruct you and your family on the best practices for moving around the house safely and using any required assistive devices, such as crutches or walkers.  Furthermore, being at home allows for immediate access to essential medical supplies and assistance if needed.

By prioritising safety within your home, our physiotherapists ensure that your recovery journey is as smooth and risk-free as possible, providing peace of mind for both you and your loved ones.

4. Family Involvement and Emotional Support

Recovering from joint replacement surgery can be an emotional roller coaster, and having a strong support system is essential for your well-being.  We welcome the involvement of family members and loved ones.

When your family actively participates in your treatment sessions, they gain a deeper understanding of your condition, the goals of each exercise, and how they can assist you throughout your recovery. This shared knowledge helps your loved ones support and encourage you in a way that complements your therapist’s guidance.

Knowing that you have a team of caring individuals by your side, cheering you on and celebrating your progress, can uplift your spirits during moments of frustration or setbacks.

5. Consistency in Progress Tracking

All of our clinicians come to you equipped with resources and tools to measure and track your progress throughout your rehabilitation.  In doing this, your therapist can identify trends and adjust the treatment plan accordingly to maximise your gains.

This thorough progress tracking also ensures that any potential challenges or setbacks are addressed promptly.  Your therapist can modify exercises, introduce new techniques, or provide additional support whenever necessary, all with the overarching goal of keeping your recovery journey on track.

The ability to consistently monitor your progress also allows you to see the tangible results of your efforts. Witnessing incremental improvements over time can be incredibly motivating, inspiring you to continue pushing forward.


6. Gradual Transition to Daily Activities

Following joint replacement surgery, most patients want to regain their independence and resume their daily activities with confidence as soon as possible.  Mobile physiotherapy is uniquely positioned to facilitate this transition, as it enables your therapist to incorporate real-life scenarios into your exercises.

Your physiotherapist will tailor your at-home sessions to include movements and activities that align with your daily life. Whether it’s practising getting in and out of bed, sitting down and standing up from a chair, or navigating stairs, your therapist will guide you through these tasks safely and progressively.

This gradual integration of daily activities allows you to build strength, mobility, and confidence at your own pace, all within the comfort and safety of your home. As you become more comfortable with these activities during therapy, you’ll find it easier to apply the skills outside of your sessions, making the transition to independence smoother and more natural.

Furthermore, mobile physiotherapy enables your therapist to identify specific challenges you may encounter in your living environment and address them directly. By tailoring exercises to tackle potential obstacles, such as low furniture or uneven surfaces, you’ll be better equipped to handle them with ease in your daily life.

7. Returning to Pre-Surgery Sport and Exercise

Once your surgeon has provided you with clearance (usually around 12 weeks post surgery), your physiotherapist will support you to return to the activities you love the most.  Being a mobile company, the location for your physiotherapy sessions can vary depending on the nature of your long-term goals.  Your physiotherapist may accompany you to the gym to prescribe or update a tailored strengthening program.  They will ensure your confidence and safety in using weights or other equipment to build your strength.  

If a round of golf is more your thing, a trip to the driving range, putting green or even a few holes on the course with your physiotherapist can allow for modification of your swing, confidence retrieving your golf ball from the hole/scrub and ensuring that you have built up the necessary endurance to go the distance on a regular basis.   

Final thoughts on mobile physiotherapy following joint replacement

Mobile physiotherapy after joint replacement surgery brings an array of benefits that cater to your individual needs, emotional well-being, and convenience.  With personalised attention, a comforting environment, and family involvement, you can embark on a healing journey that prioritises your health and happiness. Enhanced safety measures, no traffic or busy waiting rooms, and consistent progress tracking make it easy for you to work  towards your rehabilitation goals. The gradual transition to daily activities fosters confidence and independence, empowering you to reclaim your mobility and get back to doing the things you love the most.  

Embrace the advantages of mobile physiotherapy and witness the transformative power it can have on your post-operative recovery.  Your comfort, well-being and your “own body” deserve the best care possible, and our mobile physiotherapists deliver precisely that.

Contact our friendly Own Body team on (03) 9696 2639 if you have any enquiries regarding home-based physiotherapy services following a joint replacement.

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