Mobile Physiotherapy

Busting the Myths of Osteoarthritis by a Physiotherapist

Heat or Ice? To exercise or rest? Do I use gels or creams? Do my noisy joints mean I have arthritis? Osteoarthritis, or the degenerative disease of a whole joint, is the most common form of Arthritis experienced by the population. It is highly prevalent; affecting an estimated 9.3% of all Australians as per latest

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Chronic Pain and Exercise

Should I move it if it’s sore?  Is no pain, no gain really the right attitude? How should we think about exercise when we have persistent pain? Is it good or bad? At Own Body Physiotherapy we understand that there is abundant evidence from pain science research that exercise – particularly aerobic exercise like walking

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Falls Prevention and Physiotherapy

The term ‘falls’ and ‘physiotherapy’ often go hand in hand and you will often see the term ‘falls prevention’ emphasised by any physiotherapist or physiotherapy organisation. But Why?  It is possible for anyone of any age who is mobile to fall and sustain anything from a little graze to a life threatening injury hence it

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How do I stop Mum from falling at home?

How do I stop Mum from falling at home?

Too often we hear and see how recurrent falls impact on a person’s emotional state and the anxiety they cause for their loved ones. Falls have been shown in research to be one of the leading cause of fractures and emergency department visits by our seniors. Changes in walking pattern and poor balance may cause

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Knee Pain

How long is the recovery after a knee replacement?

A person’s recovery and rehabilitation plan is important in determining the overall success of knee replacement surgery. A rehabilitation plan ensures that the client regain knee strength and range of movement quickly, avoid potential complications and resume independent living. Typically, patients may be able to leave hospital 3-5 days following knee replacements. The intensive rehabilitation

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Mobile physiotherapy following your joint replacement surgery

At Own Body, we understand the challenges and concerns you may face after undergoing  joint replacement surgery.  Mobile physiotherapy offers many benefits that promote faster recovery and a smoother rehabilitation journey.  Let’s explore these advantages and see why mobile physiotherapy should be your top choice for reclaiming your mobility and independence following a joint replacement.

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Who created your team's core values?

Who created your team’s core values?

Core Values are an common point of discussion in most business development courses. But does your team truly live by them? I’ll be honest, I created our Core Values, with great intentions and a lot of careful thought, deliberation and aspiration. The trouble was, they were the work of myself and my business coach. After

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